Afghanistan withdrawal
Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Before we get cynical about 2014, let’s recount the good news from 2013: declining U.S. militarism, a resurgence of diplomacy, and a more forceful global discussion about inequality.

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A Legacy of Rogues in Afghanistan

A Legacy of Rogues in Afghanistan

Faced with an impending withdrawal deadline and ineffectual Afghan security units, U.S. planners have pitched the Afghan Local Police (ALP) program as an affordable short-term fix to fill the country’s security vacuum. Yet despite some success in achieving security gains, ALP units have been accused of committing serious human rights abuses against local populations with apparent impunity.

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Obama’s Biggest Compromise Yet?

Obama’s Biggest Compromise Yet?

Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech suggests the president is banking his legacy on “nation-building at home.” But with the United States waging an opaque and clandestine war in an ever-widening global battlefield, nation-building at home does not mean an end to nation-bombing abroad.

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