Organic Farming
Menu for a Hot Planet

Menu for a Hot Planet

It’s not just about oil: To support the world’s burgeoning billions in a warming climate, the human race needs to drastically rethink its approach to agriculture.

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Feeding the World

Come October, Atlas won’t be shrugging, he’ll be groaning as global population passes the 7 billion mark. Until very recently, demographers predicted that these numbers would peak in 2050 at just over 9 billion and then start to decline. The latest research, however, suggests that despite declining fertility across much of the world, population will continue to rise through this century to over 10 billion people. With famine spreading in Somalia, another food crisis gripping North Korea, global food prices near a record high, and climate change threatening to reduce future harvests, the question continues to nag: are we outstripping our capacity to feed ourselves?

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