Articles by Linda Farthing


Tunisia’s Unfinished Revolution

November 17, 2014 | Religious tensions, remnants of the police state, and a broken-down neoliberal economic model imperil Tunisia’s otherwise impressive democratic transition.

Bolivia: Eradication and Backlash

Bolivia: Eradication and Backlash

October 11, 2005 | Bolivia is in the grips of its worst political crisis and social upheaval since the end of the dictatorships in 1983, while U.S.-imposed economic and antidrug policies are principal reasons for the current conflicts.

NATO at 50

March 1, 1999 | The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact invalidated NATO’s original mandate and prompted a search for a new approach to European security.

Hidden Costs of NATO Expansion

May 1, 1997 | Expansion of the NATO military alliance is proceeding rapidly despite an overwhelming lack of public or congressional debate.