
The Bhutto Dynasty Must End Now

What becomes ever more clear in the aftermath of the tragic killing of Benazir Bhutto is that there is little if any internal democratic structure left in the Pakistan People’s Party, the one political party in Pakistan which was built on a populist grassroots foundation by Bhutto’s father in the late 60s.

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Next Moves in Kosovo

Negotiations between Belgrade and Prishtina over the final status of Kosovo have officially failed, and Russia will veto any Western attempt at the UN Security Council to recognize the independence of this Serbian province populated by mostly ethnic Albanians.

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Defense Dollars

Richard Betts (“A Disciplined Defense,” November/December 2007) laments that most “organizations associated with mainstream policy thinking,” instead of arguing for military budget rationality, have been cowed into silence. He refers to recent proposals by my own organization — the Institute for Policy Studies, which has been known over the years for its far-reaching proposals to scale back the military budget — that focus on a set of cuts amounting to only about $56 billion, or 11 percent of the total. Betts is right that this $56 billion is only the low-hanging fruit.

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Music to Save the World

If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution, feminist anarchist Emma Goldman famously said. Fortunately, this year, world revolution had a great soundtrack. It was a breakthrough year for musicians fighting the good fight. Check out the following 10 albums, which Foreign Policy In Focus recommends for your end-of-the-year celebrations.

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Why Bolivia Matters

Why Bolivia Matters

Bolivia’s National Palace is a classic colonial building that sits on the pigeon-filled Plaza Murillo in downtown La Paz. It’s more often called the “Palacio Quemado” or “Burned Palace” because it’s been set on fire repeatedly by dissidents of one stripe or another over the centuries since Bolivia gained its fragile independence. Today, painted a cheery yellow, it stands as reminder of a conflictive past and a fresh future.

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