
Indigenous Womens Pushback

Indigenous activists are putting up a fight – against violence. At the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, activists are focused on passing a declaration that recognizes the right of Indigenous Peoples to their lands, territories, and resources. This organizing drive is seeking international legal protection from the violence done to Indigenous Peoples, which over the centuries has threatened their very survival. Indigenous women, meanwhile, are organizing against gender-based violence. This violence has derived not just from gender discrimination and subordination but also from the violation of the collective rights of Indigenous communities.

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Toward a More Inclusive Forum

Toward a More Inclusive Forum

As my first experience as a participant to the WSF Nairobi, my feeling was one of elation and exuberance as we joined the opening march as a delegation of peace women representatives from throughout the world. To be freely shouting slogans for peace and democracy and to demonstrate freely for what we stood for, as we joined thousands of like-minded groups and individuals, was a liberating experience.

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Curing AIDS Policy of Greed and Dogma

A whole generation into the AIDS pandemic, we now have significant (though still insufficient) knowledge of how to combat the disease. But while the world’s collective understanding is gradually advancing, U.S. AIDS policy remains mired in a right-wing economic and social vision that is curtailing progress and costing lives.

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