The Jellification of Politics

The Jellification of Politics

The world will not end with bang or a whimper. It will end with the silent slither of jellyfish. Literally. And figuratively. On the literal level, jellyfish are indeed taking over. As a result of global warming, overfishing, and fertilizer runoff, these surprisingly...

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Hungary: A Cancer in the Middle of Europe

Hungary: A Cancer in the Middle of Europe

Something is dreadfully wrong with Hungary. Worse, what’s wrong with Hungary is not unique in Europe. What’s eating away at a free society in Hungary has metastasized. This same cancer is present elsewhere on the continent, even if it hasn’t come to the attention of diagnosticians.

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Balkan Blues

Balkan Blues

As one travels south into the lands of the former Ottoman Empire, the blues became more and more significant in both architecture and music.

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