Left Bares Its Claws in Irish Vote

Left Bares Its Claws in Irish Vote

If the Irish can come up with a strategy to resist shifting the financial crisis onto the backs of those least able to pay for it, that might be a blueprint for other countries ravaged by debt and economic malaise.

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60-Second Expert: Ireland

By embracing the wave of globalization sweeping the world in the 1990s, Ireland was able to nurture the fastest growing economy in Europe, dropping unemployment to 5% and raising per capita GDP to one of the highest in the world. But, as the recent collapse of the Irish economy demonstrates, this was not sustainable growth.

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The Future of Irish Peace

The Future of Irish Peace

Despite the striking political gains made in Northern Ireland since 1998’s Good Friday Agreement, its power-sharing government again verged on collapse in early February, due to a policing and justice dispute. In the end, marathon negotiations forged a deal to keep afloat the 12-member cabinet.

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Postcard From…Dublin

Postcard From…Dublin

The signs are everywhere, all over Ireland, but particularly here in Dublin. Some just say "Yes" or "No," but everyone knows what they mean. The newspapers are full of the debate. Both sides battle on the radio and television. For Ireland, it is déjà vu all over again. In June 2008, Irish voters rejected the Lisbon Treaty — which strengthens the foreign policy and military institutions of the European Union — by a clear margin of 53% to 46%. Next month, on October 2, Ireland will go to the polls a second time to vote on largely the same treaty.

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