Foreign Policy Thin-Sliced (8/16/13)

Foreign Policy Thin-Sliced (8/16/13)

Syrian Rebel-Force Futility “If a regular Syrian comes and asks me what we have given him, I don’t know what to say,” Ahmed said. Momentum Shifts in Syria, Bolstering Assad’s Position, Ben Hubbard, the New York Times Netanyahu, Agitator-in-Chief on Iran The amped-up...

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Foreign Policy Thin-Sliced (8/8/13)

Foreign Policy Thin-Sliced (8/8/13)

Privacy: Destined for the “Dustbins of History” Civil libertarians can protest about how the government will track us on these devices, too, but as long as the public and the political Establishment of both parties remain indifferent, the prospect of substantial...

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Syria and the Monarchs: A Perfect Storm

Syria and the Monarchs: A Perfect Storm

The Obama administration’s decision to directly supply weapons to the Syrian opposition may end up torpedoing the possibility of a political settlement. It will almost certainly accelerate the chaos spreading from the almost three-year old civil war. It will also align Washington with one of the most undemocratic alliances on the planet, and one that looks increasingly unstable. In short, we are headed into a perfect political storm.

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On the Brink of Another War

On the Brink of Another War

The United States should not get involved in a civil war with unknown and dangerous ramifications for the region. It should not get involved in supporting an opposition that is ready to inflict a bloodbath on Syrian minorities, and it should not abet the rise of extremist al-Qaeda-affiliated groups. 

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