United Arab Emirates
Exporting the Ivory Tower

Exporting the Ivory Tower

This August, two prominent American liberal arts institutions opened educational outposts in decidedly non-liberal countries. The first is NYU Shanghai, the third addition to NYU’s self-proclaimed “Global Network University,” which also includes the main campus in New...

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Bigger than Blackwater: Arming the UAE

Bigger than Blackwater: Arming the UAE

The International Defense Exhibition, otherwise known as IDEX, has been held bi-annually in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since 1993. It is the largest defense expo in the Middle East and North Africa and one of the biggest in the world. But far from being a one-off, it highlights the UAE’s growing stature as a global arms buyer.

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60 Second Expert: UAE

The U.S. reaction to the spreading democratic uprisings in the Middle East has been notably selective. The latest state to join the movement, United Arab Emirates, has no political parties and no free elections.

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Break the Silence in the UAE

Break the Silence in the UAE

As democratic uprisings have spread across the Middle East in the Arab Spring, the U.S. response has been as notable for its silences as for its selective words and deeds on behalf of the democracy movements in the region.

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Bye-bye, Dubai

Bye-bye, Dubai

It’s bad enough when a person drowns in debt. Shock waves multiply when a corporation teeters on the verge of failure. The economy becomes even more agitated when a country declares bankruptcy, as Iceland did in 2008 and Hungary and Latvia almost did in 2009.

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