Aung San Suu Kyi
Will the Burma Road End in Democracy?

Will the Burma Road End in Democracy?

Most visitors to Myanmar these days, when the country is opening up, limit their trips to Yangon, better known in better times as Rangoon. They rarely make the five-hour trip to Naypyitaw, the site upcountry to which the ruling military regime has transferred the capital.

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In the Garden by the Lake

In the Garden by the Lake

One anonymous commentator says
do Suu Kyi and Hilary have
the same hair stylist   what
they don’t realize is  Burma is
very hot  both climatically and
politically  pulled back hair
off the face  is best.
In the garden they hold hands like
long lost sisters.

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Appeasement Complex

Back in 2008 when the Burmese military junta announced a new constitution as a step toward civilian rule, the international community responded with considerable skepticism. The military didn’t look as though it intended to give up any real power. When Thein Sein won election as president earlier this year, The New York Times described it as “a move that cements the military’s control of a new political system.” The new president was widely considered a puppet of the top military general Than Shwe.

Sometimes, though, puppets manage to take on a life of their own. 

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