Benjamin Netanyahu
Bribing Israel

Bribing Israel

The bully came to Washington. The American president told him in no uncertain terms that the United States would not support a military attack on Iran at this moment. The bully met with 13,000 of his U.S. supporters in an effort to pressure the White House. It didn’t work. The bully went home empty-handed.

This story of Obama the diplomat standing up to Netanyahu the bully omitss some important information.

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The Prisoner Swap

The Prisoner Swap

Like so many other diplomatic and political initiatives in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the recent announcement of a new prisoner release is based on the same solution that has been proposed dozens of times before – only to collapse because the time, and usually Israeli political will, wasn’t right. In this case, the separate announcements made by Hamas leader Khaled Meshal and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, asserted that Hamas would release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas in 2006, while Israel would release 1023 Palestinian prisoners, some of whom had been in jail for decades.

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Israel’s Anti-Egypt Posturing a Boon to Eilat Attackers

By attacking targets on the Israeli-Egyptian border, the Elait insurgents may hope to win accolades for so brazenly “sticking it” to the two main regional powers. Like a judo master, the attackers are compensating for their small frame by using their opponent’s own power and momentum against him. Israel, though refuses to consider this, responding reflexively by attacking the alleged perpetrators.

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