South Asia

America’s Global Leadership Measured by International Law

When history looks back on the rise and fall of American global leadership, May 6, 2002 may well be highlighted as the “beginning of the end.” The Bush administration’s “unsigning” the International Criminal Court (ICC) has ramifications far beyond this one particular treaty, which holds the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes–genocide, mass murders, mass rapes, enslavement, ethnic expulsions, and torture–accountable for their actions.

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Military Training Programs: A Need for Oversight and Human Rights Courses

Beginning the first week of June, the Senate is debating an “emergency” supplemental budget bill to fight terrorism–and part of that White House request should be rejected. President George W. Bush is asking for a sharp increase in foreign military aid–including an extra $1 billion for training programs and other forms of military assistance–and he also wants Congress to lift all aid restrictions based on human rights concerns.

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Sharing the Waters

The Rio Grande/Río Bravo no longer reaches the Gulf of Mexico—it’s blocked by a sandbar that is the result of several years of low flow in the river. This development is symbolic of the dire state of the entire transboundary river basin. The river’s troubles are now manifesting themselves in an increasingly acrimonious dispute between the United States and Mexico.

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