Torture: An All-American Nightmare

Torture: An All-American Nightmare

Don’t for a second think that the essence of torture is physical pain, no matter what the new film Zero Dark Thirty implies. If, in many cases, the body heals, mental wounds are a far more difficult matter. Memory persists. After the fact, torture can only be dealt with by staring directly into the nightmare that changed us — that, like it or not, helped make us who we now are.

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Down with Drone War Silence

Down with Drone War Silence

While Malala Yousafzai bravery deserved the attention it received, it lies in stark contrast to the many other innocent victims of political violence in Pakistan. Indeed, the Drone War continues with hardly a mention in the U.S. media. It is not hard to imagine that if Malala lived in a different village, she could just as well have been killed by a Predator drone as by the Taliban—and we’d know nothing about her courage.

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Cost of War: An Interview with Tulsi Gabbard

Cost of War: An Interview with Tulsi Gabbard

FPIF contributor Jon Letman interviewed Tulsi Gabbard shortly before she won her congressional race in Hawaii’s second district. Gabbard, who will be the first Hindu to serve in the U.S. Congress, ran on winding down the U.S. role in Afghanistan ahead of schedule. But when it came to drones and the military spending, Letman didn’t throw a single softball.

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