Robert Greenberg

Robert Greenberg

Dr. Robert Greenberg joined Hunter College in 2008 as a Dean and a Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Anthropology. He has taught at Yale, Georgetown, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Greenberg is a specialist in South Slavic...

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Postcard from…Albania

Postcard from…Albania

Albania’s communist regime was orthodox and extreme.  When other East European countries liberalized slightly after Stalin’s death in 1953, the Albanian ruler Enver Hoxha held firm, calling the Soviet Union “revisionist.”

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The War on Yugoslavia, 10 Years Later

It has been 10 years since the U.S.-led war on Yugoslavia. For many leading Democrats, including some in top positions in the Obama administration, it was a "good" war, in contrast to the Bush administration’s "bad" war on Iraq. And though the suffering and instability unleashed by the 1999 NATO military campaign wasn’t as horrific as the U.S. invasion of Iraq four years later, the war was nevertheless unnecessary and illegal, and its political consequences are far from settled.

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Kosovo and the Politics of Recognition

Even among longstanding supporters of national self-determination for Kosovo, the eagerness with which the Bush administration extended diplomatic recognition immediately upon that country’s declaration of independence on February 17 has raised serious concerns. Indeed, it serves as a reminder of the series of U.S. policy blunders over the years that have compounded the Balkan tragedy.

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