Poems Against the Regime

Poems Against the Regime

Editor’s Note: These poems originally appeared on the website of the Association of Iranian American Writers. A Truth that Has Left Them Shaking Persis M. Karim These are hopeful, dismal days. We sit by a computer waiting for a sliver of light and news to cut...
The European Loser

The European Loser

Damir Niksic, If I Wasn’t Muslim. 2004. Damir Niksic, a conceptual artist from Bosnia Herzegovina, is best known for his notorious 2005 video installation If I Wasn’t Muslim. Performing a sarcastic song about being a Bosnian Muslim surrounded by Christian...
Demystifying Iran

Demystifying Iran

Post-election turmoil in Iran has brought the country closer to the top of America’s foreign policy concerns. More importantly, though, it has piqued the interests of the American public. Green is the new black, Moussavi and Khamenei have become household names,...