Review: Hot

Review: Hot

In Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth, journalist Mark Hertsgaard painstakingly details what the next 50-100 years of climate change will bring on earth and the best steps to adapt to our changing world. Hertsgaard repeatedly stresses the need for immediate action. Even if emissions were completely ended tomorrow, the inertia of the climate system already ensures global warming of at least 1.4 degrees Celsius.

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Peru Trade Deal Unravels

Peru Trade Deal Unravels

In 2007, a determined Democratic caucus put their collective feet down. They refused to consider any more free trade agreements without a new model, with stronger protections for labor, human rights, and the environment. And so in May, the caucus and its supporters cut a deal with the Bush administration for a new and improved FTA with Peru.

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The Year of Living Dangerously

Get ready for a rocky year. From now on, rising prices, powerful storms, severe droughts and floods, and other unexpected events are likely to play havoc with the fabric of global society, producing chaos and political unrest. Start with a simple fact: the prices of basic food staples are already approaching or exceeding their 2008 peaks, that year when deadly riots erupted in dozens of countries around the world.

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Art, Activism, and Permaculture

Art, Activism, and Permaculture

Infamous for fomenting mass disobedience on bicycles during the Copenhagen climate Summit, touring the UK recruiting a rebel clown army, running courses in post-capitalist culture and falling in love with utopias, the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination exists somewhere between art and activism, poetry and politics. The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination is not an institution or a group, not a network nor an NGO, but an affinity of friends who recognize the beauty of collective creative disobedience. It treats insurrection as an art, and art as a means of preparing for the coming insurrection.

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