Human Rights
Self-Immolations in Tibet

Self-Immolations in Tibet

Western China’s Sichuan province, where most ethnic Tibetans reside, has recently become the epicenter of more than two dozen self-immolations by Buddhist monks, nuns, and lay Tibetans. These protests against the policies of the Communist regime in the region not only has stunned exiled Tibetans but has also shocked the world community.  The latest self-immolation came on March 17when a 44-year-old Tibetan farmer set himself on fire in northwestern Qinghai province. There have now been 30 self-immolations since February 27.

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When Kony Met Daisey

When Kony Met Daisey

Both Mike Daisey and Jason Russell are storytellers. But they’re not just storytellers. Like Mark Twain, who was infuriated by Belgian colonial policies in the Congo, Daisey and Russell want to provoke us into doing something. And they have carefully crafted their stories toward that end.  

And now, virtually simultaneously, both Russell and Daisey are under fire for not adhering to the literal truth.

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