Brown Is the New Black

Brown Is the New Black

The new spring season is just around the corner, and it looks as though the new “in” color is brown. That’s brown as in “brown shirts.” Perhaps you thought that fascism went out of fashion in the 20th century. But there’s nothing like a lingering economic crisis to...
Toward a Permanent Nuclear Deal with Iran

Toward a Permanent Nuclear Deal with Iran

The next round of negotiations for a permanent deal on the Iranian nuclear program began with technical discussions in Vienna on March 5 between representatives from Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, Russia, China, UK, and France, plus Germany). Political...
Who Are the People?

Who Are the People?

The people have spoken. They have elected a government. No, wait, I hear the angry shouts of a demonstration in the streets. “We are the people,” they are crying. The crowd is getting larger and larger. They are pressing against the gates of parliament and the...
Crimea: Just Who’s Encroaching on Whom?

Crimea: Just Who’s Encroaching on Whom?

Is the Russian occupation of the Crimea a case of aggressive expansionism by Moscow or is it aimed at blocking a scheme by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to roll right up to the Russia’s western border? WikiLeaks has revealed a secret cable describing a...