
Key Points Sudan’s size, strategic location, and as-yet-unexploited oil reserves made it a cold war target of superpower intervention. Massive injections of U.S. and Soviet arms kept a bitter civil war raging between north and south for nearly a half century....

Export Promotion Programs

Key Points The U.S. government assists U.S. exporters by providing grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and information about importing countries. The U.S. government offers assistance programs and loan guarantees to encourage importers to buy U.S. goods and services. Some...

Asia/Pacific Overview

For the cold war generation, U.S. foreign policy toward the Asia/Pacific region was simple, straightforward, and secure. In the minds of America’s foreign policy and defense elites, the only point of reference that mattered was the Soviet Union; everything else...

Defense Budget and Modernization Plans

Key Problems Military spending is projected to remain high: totaling more than 80% of the cold war annual average through this decade. The U.S. spends more on defense than the next eight leading industrial nations combined, including Russia and China. The loose...

U.S. Oil Policy in the Middle East

Key Problems Controlling oil access is a cornerstone of U.S. Middle East policy. U.S. reliance on imported oil is very high. Oil from the Persian Gulf accounts for 10% of the oil used in the U.S. Dual containment of Iran and Iraq, along with a broader military...