Palestinian Territories
Hey Congress: Sequester Apartheid!

Hey Congress: Sequester Apartheid!

Thousands of lobbyists descended on Capitol Hill in early March to voice their concerns over sequestration cuts. But these lobbyists were not asking Congress to restore funding to schools, hospitals, or shelters. Instead, they were demanding that Congress fully fund military aid to Israel, aid which helps Israel continue its occupation and apartheid policies toward Palestinians.

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Obama’s Chance to Renew the Peace Process

Obama’s Chance to Renew the Peace Process

President Barack Obama’s upcoming trip to the Middle East presents an opportunity to move the dormant Palestinian-Israeli peace process forward. If he’s serious about making progress, the president should take into account how dispute resolution works in the Arab and Muslim world and note how little resemblance it bears to the West’s approaches to resolving conflicts. Understanding the sides’ different cultural perspectives on key aspects of negotiations will be crucial to creating a successful peace bid.

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The Depths of Malaise in Palestine

The Depths of Malaise in Palestine

According to recent polls of Palestinians, frustration with the Israel-Palestinian conflict is at a high point; the two-state solution is steadily losing credibility in the eyes of the people; and ordinary citizens in the Holy Land are starting to wonder whether a settlement can be achieved without another round of bloodshed. 

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